
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Amazing Supporters Come Through for Us!

We have been overwhelmed by the response we have had from individuals and businesses who have donated their skills, items, and talent for our fundraiser. With their help we have compiled a diverse Silent Auction for our Labor Day event! We wanted to give you a sneak peek of the auction catalog so you can plan ahead and see what will be available for your bids! We are so grateful for your donations and support. We'll see you on Labor Day!

Friends of Iowa Midwives Silent Auction Items 2009!!

1) Prairieland Herbs gift basket
2) Moby D baby carrier from The Stork Wearhouse
3) Red Avocado restaurant $50 gift certificate, Dinner for 2
4) One Placenta Encapsulation from Sabbath Davies of Ganesa Birth Services
5) Natural Parenting Fiber Artists knitting gift basket
6) Des Moines Social Club T-shirt and $25 gift certificate
7) Gourmet Wine and Champagne Basket with Truffles and Stemware
8) Blown Glass jewelry pendent from artist Derek Akers $25 value
9) Size 24 mo. tie dyed one piece romper and newborn tie dye set from Foursquare Fibre
10) Infant cloth shoes from Wallypop
11) Children’s Board Book Basket with Homebirth Books
12) Cloth Snack Bag and reusable Sandwich Wrap from Wallypop
13) Glass Magnet Sets from Sarah Nevins
14) 7 Kenneth Huff prints from Amanda McGuire
15) One 60 minute Massage from Zachary Hoover of The Family Tree
16) Gift certificates for one month of adult classes and one month of children’s classes from Roots Capoiera Wellness Center
17) Gift certificate for four beginner guitar, bass or drum lessons from Central Iowa Music Lab-James Biehn $75 value
18) 3 packages of Soap Nuts natural laundry soap from The Stork Wearhouse
19) One pair of earrings from MC Ginsberg
20) Reiki Session by Mia Countryman
21) One handpainted bag from Cover Art by Mia Countryman
22) One glass sunflower picture frame from Amanda McGuire
23) One Japanese Maple or plantings of equal value; including labor to install and a landscaping consultation of the property. By Earth Designs - Beth and Rob Jackson valued at $200, opening bid is $50
24) Two glass candle holders from Amanda McGuire
25) Cross Pen Set and Blank Notecards from Syracuse Cultural Workers from Amanda McGuire and Jessica Bottenfield-Biehn
26) Satchel Paige Wooden Picture Frame from Simply for Giggles
27) Painted Wooden toy Rabbit from Simply for Giggles
28) One hardcover copy of the book “Pushed” from Diane Tinker of Birth Companion Doula Services
29) 6 pewter birth jewelry pieces
30) One piece of framed Birth Art/Kanji from Sabbath Davies
31) One piece of framed Goddess Art from Sabbath Davies
32) ICAN of Central Iowa gift pack including one ICAN 2010 Calendar, and books “Giving Birth” and “Cesarean Voices”
33) Gift Basket from The Possibilities Room
34) CD from singer/songwriter Mary McAdams
35)30 minute Imagine Peace Massage gift certificate- Maggie McGinnis
36) SMASH gift certificate
37) Diaper Dudee Diaper Service gift certificate from Andrea Foley
38) One comprehensive Well Woman Exam including Pap smear from Cosette Boone, CNM $150 value
39) Wildflower Massage gift certificate
40) Gift Certificate for belly dance classes from unda Belly Dance
41) Breastfeeding Basket for New Moms from Lauren Whitehead
42) Handmade hair bows from Sarah Nevins
43) Oasis gift basket w/ 2 t-shirts and $25 gift certificate
44) Oasis gift basket w/ 2 t-shirts and $25 gift certificate
45) Prenatal Massage gift certificate from Inner Balance $80 value
46) Family photograph package from Shuva Rahim of Accent Photographics
47) HUGS Selendang baby sling
48) HUGS Selendang baby sling
49)Size S long sleeve Breastmilk t-shirt & Size 2T shortsleeve Breastmilk t-shirt from The Stork Wearhouse
50)Two 6 month infant tie dyed short sleeve shirts from Wallypop
51) Instant Fiesta Basket with margarita mix, homemade salsa and 4 margarita glasses
52) Kid’s Craft and Snack Basket with Art supplies and workbooks from Jessica Bottenfield-Biehn
53) Belly Cast kit from The Stork Wearhouse
54) Red Avocado restaurant T-shirt
55) WAHM mai tai baby carrier with pink/tan dragonflies from Jenn Bowen
56) Women’s hair cut and 2 products from Blondies Hair Salon

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