
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Letter from a Homebirth Father

My husband Brian wrote this letter to our legislator this month. Feel free to use it as an example of the way a homebirth supporter who ISN'T a Mom can appeal to lawmakers!

My name is Brian Whitehead and I am writing today to discuss my experience with homebirth.

Nine moths ago my wife gave birth to our daughter Robin in our home with a midwife and two doulas. The experience was - as anyone who has had a baby knows - grueling, difficult and exhausting, but by chosing to undergo this life-changing event at home I was able to be an integral part of my wife's labor and our daughter's birth. I have talked to other fathers who had the misfortune of having traditional hospitals births with their wives and it is my opinion that homebirthing is the superior option.

Our birth was overseen by a trained, competent professional. It was safe and inexpensive. It allowed us to have this rare and special event transpire in the comfort and familiarity of our own home.

I am relatively new to Iowa, having moved here four years ago to get my MA from the University of Iowa. As someone who plans on spending my future and raising a family in this state, I cannot remain silent while this practice is still - inexplicably - not fully protected by law.

Please consider my experience when making legislative decisions in the future.

Brian Whitehead

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Central Iowa Chapter Meeting

The first official meeting of the Central IA chapter of FOIM is coming up! Join us this Sunday (11/23) at the Westown Pkwy Panera in West Des Moines from 4pm-6pm.

Our aim at this meeting is to get the central IA chapter off the ground, create an opportunity for central and eastern IA folks to meet each other, generate ideas for networking and events, and identify some coordinators for the chapter. Everyone is welcome!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

General Mtg Reminder -- Nov 15!

Don't forget our meeting this Saturday, Nov 15, at Birth, Baby & Beyond in Cedar Rapids. 3:30 pm. Be there!

NYT article on homebirth, plus statement on Choices in Childbirth

Hello friends! The New York Times published a wonderful story about the recent increase in homebirth in the NYC area. Overall the article does a great job highlighting the reasons more and more women are making the choice to have their babies at home. Every woman deserves access to homebirth!

The Our Bodies, Ourselves blog recently announced the Statement on Choices in Childbirth, a statement endorsed by physicians, midwives, and women's health advocates who are "concerned about preserving safe choices in childbirth that respect the diversity of women’s needs." They specifically urge health care reformers to protect and ensure women's access to VBACs and access to hospital-based midwifery care, in addition to licensing CPMs across the country. Read the entire statement here. If you are a physician, midwife, or health care advocate interested in endorsing the statement, follow the link on the statement's main page to do so.

Despite ACOG and the AMA's attempts, it's clear that women are increasingly demanding access to midwifery and all its benefits. It's just a matter of time!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

November Letter Writing Challenge: Write for CHANGE!

Dear Friends,
As snow begins to fall in Iowa I think back to last winter when I was enormously pregnant, carefully making my way down icy sidewalks to Presidential primary events, and then caucusing for the first time about 10 weeks before my daughter's homebirth. Robin was with me when I saw John Edwards, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama speak in Iowa, and she was with me to see Obama elected president this week.

No matter who you caucused or voted for, I think we can all agree on a change that needs to happen for women in our state and in our country: they need full access to a model of care that respects and honors their bodies and births, and that will come through licensure of professional midwives. This is a great time to send a letter on the theme of CHANGE to our local, state, and national representatives urging them to implement midwifery and homebirth into the future of our healthcare system.

President-elect Barack Obama has created a website devoted to citizens' ideas about change and we encourage you to send a letter to him, as well as your local represenatives and our state representatives, arguing for midwifery as a part of your vision for change.

Barb at the Navelgazing Midwife has created a wonderful letter that we encourage you to use, edit, adapt, etc and send send send. A highlight from the letter:

Because I wholeheartedly support your desire to overhaul medical insurance availability…

Because I believe that home birth is a viable and safe option for women in the United States…

Because the mechanism for licensing non-nurse midwifery exists in this country through the North American Registry of Midwives…

Because studies increasingly demonstrate that non-nurse midwives are a safe option for women having normal pregnancies…

Because studies prove a midwife’s presence maintains low cesarean rates and saves an enormous amount of money when normal pregnant women utilize midwives instead of obstetricians…

Because non-nurse midwives are paid the least of all obstetric care providers even as they provide comprehensive quality care…

Because requiring Medicaid to include paying non-nurse midwives would save our country millions, if not billions, of dollars as women having normal pregnancies use the most cost effective care provider…

I hereby ask that non-nurse midwifery become a prominent part of your developing health plan.

To reward your efforts, you will receive a FREE FOIM BUMPER STICKER for every letter you send! Email Lauren at to let me know what you wrote (if you'd like to share) and who you sent a letter to and you will receive a free sticker. HELLO! THAT IS AWESOME. YES WE CAN!


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Des Moines Women Have to Travel For VBACs

Check out this article about Des Moines women having to travel to Iowa City for access to VBACs (vaginal birth after cesarean, shown to be perfectly safe and beneficial for most women who've had a previous cesarean birth). These women are seeking the care of nurse midwives at the UIHC.

A quotation:
"Ericson says if V-Bac was more commonplace, the state could probably cut its rate of Cesarean surgery in half. She says at least a dozen studies point to the dangers of Cesarean surgery, which carries twice the risk of injury and death for both mother and baby."

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


You're invited to the organizational meeting of the Central Iowa chapter of Friends of Iowa Midwives!

We'll be meeting this Saturday, Nov. 8th, at Almost Home Birth Center, 2708 Grand Ave. in Des Moines at 3:30. Thanks to Carey Ann Ryan for hosting us!

RSVP to Monica ( Learn more.

Saturday, November 1, 2008