
Thursday, November 13, 2008

NYT article on homebirth, plus statement on Choices in Childbirth

Hello friends! The New York Times published a wonderful story about the recent increase in homebirth in the NYC area. Overall the article does a great job highlighting the reasons more and more women are making the choice to have their babies at home. Every woman deserves access to homebirth!

The Our Bodies, Ourselves blog recently announced the Statement on Choices in Childbirth, a statement endorsed by physicians, midwives, and women's health advocates who are "concerned about preserving safe choices in childbirth that respect the diversity of women’s needs." They specifically urge health care reformers to protect and ensure women's access to VBACs and access to hospital-based midwifery care, in addition to licensing CPMs across the country. Read the entire statement here. If you are a physician, midwife, or health care advocate interested in endorsing the statement, follow the link on the statement's main page to do so.

Despite ACOG and the AMA's attempts, it's clear that women are increasingly demanding access to midwifery and all its benefits. It's just a matter of time!

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