Its one of those days when I'm brimming with ideas, and wondering where I'll get the energy!
I've learned from so many amazing women (and Russ from North Carolina, representing well for the men in our movement!) - and been awed by their energy. I hold in my mind's eye, and in my heart, the midwife from Idaho who had to drive 10 hours (or take an airplane!) just to get to her state capitol to lobby for a pro-CPM bill; and the activist from Missouri who seems to know everyone, and has a brilliant way of connecting with each of her contacts.
Its clear what we need to do in Iowa: continue what we've started! We've got to build our grassroots, reach out to and educate legislators, support the federal push for medicaid reimbursement, raise funds, market and message ourselves to each constituency and the media, AND build a viable birth and parenting culture so that once we have a good law, midwives in the states have clients, and clients will have friends supportive of their parenting choices.
WOW. That sounds like no small task!
But it is a set of tasks made easier by the energy of Friends of Iowa Midwives members, and by alliances we've made and coalitions we can build with advocates and midwives and moms and dads in other states.
We are not reinventing the wheel here, even when it feels like it. There is so much wisdom to draw from in our region and beyond - and a chance to contribute to others' fights as well!
So, I'm bringing the Big Push home to Iowa ... looking forward to our Central FOIM Chapter Leadership meeting, our FOIM Steering Committee meeting, and a general membership Family Picnic at Raccoon River Park in Des Moines on Labor Day!
Heck, today, I'm even looking forward to the start of the legislative session.